AWAY DAY Several members of our church have expressed an interest in having an ‘Away Day’ to see the Great Scottish Tapestry in its purpose-built gallery in Galashiels and we have now firmed up on the date as MONDAY 3RD JULY.
The idea is that we will hire a bus, leave from St Matthew’s at 9am, travel the two-ish hours to our destination and have time to see the Tapestry and have lunch and return to St Matthew’s, depending on traffic conditions, by around 5pm.
Your bus fare depends on how many seats we fill! The cost bracket will £14 – £20 per head. Entry to the exhibition is £8.55-£9.45 and we will have a short welcome introduction.
Once numbers and cost-per-head are calculated, payment for the bus will thereafter need to be made by mid-June on a non-refundable basis.
Those who wish to participate please contact Wendy on burnett_wendy@ymail.com by Wednesday 7 June.