Our Pastoral Care team is led by Ilona Crichton. The work of pastoral care involves
- Identifying recipients of the Sunday flowers each week – this can be in cases of illness, bereavement, difficult circumstances, or celebration of special events
- Visiting (preceded by a phone call) members of the congregation, at home, in hospital or in care homes
- Sending cards on hearing of bereavements, special birthdays, or other situations, happy or sad
- Making phone calls, to ‘touch base’ with people, possibly who have been previously visited, and also to check on vulnerable people in times of bad weather, etc.
These are all ways of keeping in touch with people and letting them know the church family is remembering them. A record is kept of flower deliveries, cards and phone calls. In addition, we know that elders and church members regularly visit frail and house bound members, offering Christian care and support.

Communication is by word of mouth, texts or phone calls to members of the team, via the minister or the office, and there is also a sealed box at the church cafe for people to leave messages. If you know of someone who would appreciate a visit, or being remembered by receiving flowers, please let the Pastoral Team know.
Contact Ilona Crichton 07599 200886