St. Matthew’s Nominating Committee has unanimously selected Rev Fiona Bullock to be the Sole Nominee for the vacancy of Perth St. Matthew’s, following interviewing and hearing a number of applicants lead worship.
Fiona Bullock is currently minister of Dun and Hillside Church in Angus Presbytery. This is her first charge – she was ordained and inducted in 2014. Her pre-ordination period included her Probationary period in Langside Parish Church, Glasgow, and working in Arbroath with Very Rev Martin Fair (who was one of her referees). She has been Team leader, Mission and Development for Angus Presbytery, and a member of the church’s national Mission and Discipleship Council.
Fiona holds degrees in Scots Law (with French Legal Studies) from Glasgow University, a Masters in Peace and Reconciliation from Coventry University, and a BD (1st Class) from St Andrews. Before she came to ministry she had a variety of work experience – including administration with Tearfund.
In recommending Fiona Bullock to the congregation, the Nominating Committee was very taken with her engaging personality, her theological depth, her sensitivity, and her skill as a worship leader. As we got to know her through her worship and the interviews, we warmed even further to her. We felt that she would be good to lead St Matthew’s through a period of inevitable change – particularly with the development of a new Presbytery Plan including working with the other Perth City Centre Churches.
Fiona Is a ‘blue sky’ thinker and very creative. She is a networker and enjoys meeting new people and working with teams. She is creative by nature and writes reflections for the ecumenical ‘Spirituality of Conflict’ group which considers Gospel lectionary texts through the lens of conflict. Her creativity has involved a range of activities and a real sense of fun. Her referees have pointed out that she is also good at strategic planning and can delegate. She uses all sorts of technology.
Fiona is married to Ian and has a 2-year-old son, Calum, and a Border Collie called Freya.
We commend her to you.
Raymond Young
Clerk to the Nominating Committee